Wizard's Field Guide and Pages

One of the tools the main character has at their disposal in order to "catch up" to the students who have already been at Hogwarts for four years is the Wizard's Field Guide.

It has been confirmed that this special book is normally housed at the Ministry of Magic, but has been provided to the main character by Deputy-headmistress Weasley. However, when she hands it to the main character the pages explode out of the book and scatter around the game world.


One example of a "collectible" is the accio pages we find around the castle. These opportunities are covered in the "Collections" page of this blog.


Unlike the "inventory" menu, which provides the user with a full list of everything the user is holding, the "gear" section limits that list specifically to wearable items such as masks, shirts, pants, socks, glasses, etc. and then allows the user to alter their appearance.


This is a list of everything the user is currently holding. No further details are available at this time.


This is presumably a map of the open world and the main character's location within it.

Owl Post

This will maintain plot-related messages received via owl from NPCs in the game. It is unclear if/how a user can respond to such communications.


This maintains a list of both main and side quests. It was confirmed by Portkey Games that these are grouped into "trees" that branch out and selecting any quest in particular will create a "golden path" on the mini-map to the next destination for people who enjoy hints.

Talents and Level

Throughout the game, the main character will earn experience points (XP) that contribute toward an overall "level". Each level will allow users to unlock bigger and better skills. In Hogwarts Legacy the skills are called "talents". Currently we have zero information on individual talents or any talent trees that may be contained within this section.


On January 12, 2023, Portkey Games added a blog post to their player support area discussing some of the settings within the game. These included color-blindness, camera shake, and other graphics, audio, and gameplay settings. It has also been confirmed by Alan Key (Creative Director at Avalanche) that we will be able to hide the on-screen mini-map if preferred.


The "Challenges" subsection of the Wizard's Field Guide is subdivided into the following:

  • Combat
  • Quests
  • Exploration
  • Field Guide Pages - Some of the pages of this very book are missing and can be found throughout Hogwarts. Casting "Accio" on a page will pull that page back into the book. There are 100 such pages hidden throughout the school, some of which require the spell "Revelio" to actually see.
  • Room of Requirement - The room doesn't just give you things that you require, it also has requirements of its own.

Missing Page Locations

Those lost pages are scattered around Hogwarts Castle and even out into the world at large. Find them using "Revelio" and return them to the book using "Accio". Doing so gains the main character 80 experience points per page. There are a grand total of at least 200 pages to be found. Here is a list of currently-known page locations:

General Breakdown

  • Hogwarts: 150 pages
  • Hogsmeade: 55 pages

Hogwarts Unlit Braziers

Both inside and outside of Hogwarts, users can find unlit braziers. Using "incendio", you can light the brazier and it will provide a hidden field guide page.

  • incendio brazier, astronomy tower, just under the observation deck
  • incendio brazier, Great Hall, upstairs
  • incendio brazier, Gryffindor tower, chart room
  • incendio brazier, bastions near the bell tower fountain, follow wall north from gatehouse
  • incendio brazier, on the north wall of the "Quad"

Hogwarts, interior

  • "Astronomy Telescope", west complex, astronomy observation deck, the big one
  • "Arithmancy Classroom", west complex, DADA tower, arithmancy classroom
  • "Broken Broom", west complex, Bell Towers, next to exit to courtyard
  • "Central Hall Fountain", Central Hall, mermaid/unicorn/werewolf fountain in middle of space
  • "Dirigible Plums", greenhouses, classroom III, in front of plum tree
  • "Enchanted Books", library, restricted section, third level
  • "Goblet of Fire Casket", east complex, trophy room, central display, looks like a missile
  • "The Great Hall Ceiling", east complex, Great Hall, in front of the house tables just as you walk in from the hourglass area
  • "Greenhouse Tree", greenhouse complex, in front of the huge tree you see when you first walk in from Central Hall
  • "Haunted Bathrooms", east complex, chart room, in front of "out of order" bathroom door
  • "Hebridian Black Dragon", west complex, DADA classroom, in front of Hecat's personal office door
  • "The Hogwarts Architect", east complex, statue at bottom of stairs facing the House Cup hourglasses
  • "Hogwarts Crest", east complex, metal crest hanging on wall inside entrance hall door
  • "House Point Hourglasses", east complex, in front of hourglasses by great hall
  • "Hufflepuff Barrels", east complex, downstairs below the grand stairway, next to Hufflepuff dormitory door
  • "Kitchen Tables", east complex, kitchen, dead center in the middle of all four rows of tables
  • "Lachlan the Lanky", east complex, chart room, in front of statue
  • "Map of Argyllshire", east complex, chart room, in front of the map of Argyllshire
  • "Owl Lectern", east complex, great hall, front at podium
  • "Painting of Illyius", DADA tower, next to the talking gargoyle
  • "Partial Transfiguration", Transfiguration classroom, east wall
  • "Pear Portrait", east complex, below the grand stairway near Hufflepuff dormitory
  • "Portrait of Baruffio", Gryffindor tower, painting one flight down from Gryffindor dormatory
  • "Ravenclaw Bust", Ravenclaw tower, halfway up
  • "Ravenclaw Doorknocker", Ravenclaw tower, in front of Ravenclaw dorm door
  • "Sleeping Dragon Statue", dungeons, directly below Urn of Ashes
  • "Statue of Gregory the Smarmy", west complex, Central Hall, near "Potions Classroom" floo flame
  • "Urn of Ashes", west complex, North Hall, downstairs in dungeons just above the Sleeping Dragon statue
  • "Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy", west complex, astronomy tower, halfway to class on inside wall
  • "Troll Armor", east complex, trophy room, in front of Tiny's armor
  • "Trophy Room", east complex, trophy room, central display, the one with all the cups
  • hidden page, in Central Hall, in front of portrait of the man playing the lute
  • hidden page, in front of the giant metal Hogwarts crest just inside the entrance from the viaduct courtyard
  • flying page, Central Hall, just inside the entrance from the Transfiguration Courtyard
  • flying page, Central Hall, just inside the entrance from the Greenhouse complex
  • flying page, Clock Tower, above the pendulum
  • flying page, entrance hall below bell towers
  • flying page, great stairway, just above Ravenclaw landing
  • flying page, Library, restricted section
  • flying page, Viaduct Entry, just inside door from bridge
  • flying page, Viaduct Entry, third floor rafters
  • flying page, west complex, exit charms class and turn left
  • levioso statue, astronomy tower
  • levioso statue, entrance hall
  • levioso statue, faculty tower, just outside Prefect's Bathroom
  • levioso statue, great stairway, Ravenclaw landing
  • levioso statue, library, restricted section, just before Peeves
  • levioso statue, viaduct courtyard, exterior, in cloister north of door by unicorn statue
  • levioso statue, viaduct courtyard, interior, just inside door
  • metal moth frame, Central Hall across from library doors
  • metal moth frame, Viaduct Courtyard near werewolf statue
  • metal moth frame, DADA Tower on the same wall as door to suspension bridge
  • metal moth frame, library, second floor

Hogwarts, exterior

  • "Glumbumbles", beehives behind the greenhouses
  • "Groundskeeper's Tools", Hagrid's hut, table on west side of room
  • "Hengist of Woodcroft", fountain in front of Gladrags while facing Honeydukes.
  • "Hogwarts Owls", owlry, top floor
  • "Transfiguration Courtyard", west side of courtyard under cloister
  • "Wyvern Fountain", Transfiguration Courtyard, south side of the fountain
  • flying page, fountain behind the greenhouses
  • flying page, fountain above Hufflepuff common room
  • flying page, Owlry, top
  • levioso statue, Owlry, top
  • transfiguration courtyard, 2 flying pages given to you through Professor Ronen's first quest after first class

Open World

  • "Dungbomb", Hogsmeade, Zonkos, upper floor in front of the dungbomb containers
  • "Fizzing Whizzbees", Hogsmeade, just inside the front door of Honeydukes
  • "Gladrags Mannequin", Hogsmeade, Gladrags, interior front door just to the right
  • "Gladrags Wizardwear", Hogsmeade, Gladrags, exterior front door
  • "J. Pippen's Potions", Hogsmeade, Pippen's Potions, rear of shop
  • "The Magic Neep Cart", Hogsmeade, Magic Neep, outside next to cart
  • "Splintwitches Sporting Needs", Hogsmeade, Splintwitches, just inside front door
  • "Zonko's Joke Shop, Hogsmeade, Zonkos, just outside door facing Ollivander's
  • hidden page, Hogsmeade, Three Broomsticks, in front of the fireplace
  • hidden page, Keenbridge, in front of the "tree house"
  • hidden page, Keenbridge, deck bar
  • flying page, Hogsmeade, above the lake next to Honeydukes
  • flying page, Hogsmeade, between Steeply and Sons tea shop and the Post Office
  • flying page, above Nearly-headless Nick in the cemetery
  • flying page, Keenbridge